Saturday, April 14, 2012


Hey, everybody! Just want to give a shout out to all the great people who have listened/looked at us the past couple of days. It's gotten us pretty far on the Podomatic charts this week.
And that was just from yesterday to today...! Making our way up the ranks one day at a time. Goal to be number one? Most definitely! But then again, some of the other podcasts have greater listernships that will be hard to beat. Possibly because of better sound quality. Possibly because they are more interesting. But I think we have them beat on quasi-comedy-ness!

So we might need a couple more recruits for GTFO to achieve our goal of becoming numero uno. Share this with your friends and family if you'd think they'd enjoy it. Hell, share it if you wouldn't think they'd enjoy it. At least it'll be an interesting topic: one that some despise and others adore. With that being said, just frreeaking SHARE IT.
Love all you GumTeddies out there!

Pez and Lurv - RaySeanda

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